Yesterday officially marked the end of myself and all my friends exams. My two lovely friends, Lizzie and Helly (Helena) have been waiting for weeks, watching whilst all of us finished our exams, anxiously awaiting the end of their own. And finally it has come. The end of our first year of University has arrived, we go on holiday next week and we are all on top of the world. So in high spirits, we decided to go on a trip to the local Windsor. Home of Windsor Castle, where the Queen often lives, and home to the best selection of high end shops outside of London. Afternoon tea was followed by shopping and we came home full of scones, champagne and sandwiches. Not a bad way to be eh.
The scones were still warm, the champagne was A*, and the company and conversation was the sort only friends who know everything about each other can achieve.
Of course being in such a lovely place, there's always time for a couple of photos!
To finish it all off, we had a spot of Earl Grey (the best tea, in my opinion), to wash away the scones and sandwiches and jams of the afternoon! Windsor is the most beautiful town, if you're ever within the vicinity it is so worth the visit, and The Harte and Garter champagne afternoon tea is absolutely delightful! Afternoon tea is one of my favourite treats, it's so quintessentially British, and let's face it, everything is made better with real, bubbling champagne.
Ciao for Now!
eee that sounds like so much fun! lucky you, i still have 9 GCSE exams left :( xxx