1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie?
Definitely Home Alone! The soundtrack is so festive and one of my earliest memories is watching it for the first time at my Aunty's and being terrified of the part when the burglar has his head caught on fire! I also love Nativity!, but Home Alone has to be my all time favourite.
2. When do you open your presents?
We open all of our presents on Christmas morning, and always have. This year though my sister is working until the afternoon, so I'm sure we'll wait until she's back for us to open them all together!
3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
One of my favourite days ever was a day in the December of my second year at university, when my housemates and I spent the day at the Harry Potter Studio Tours, and then came home to our other housemate who had made a full Christmas dinner for us (he couldn't make it to the Harry Potter tour)! And we then played articulate and drank wine until the early morning and it was honestly just the best day from start to finish.
4. Favourite festive food?
To be honest, it's a year round food for me, but baked camembert has to be my favourite festive food - and stuffing when it comes to roast dinners!
5. What's the best Christmas gift you've received?
Two years ago we got Elvis, who was a Christmas present for all of us, so I would be a terrible person if I didn't mention him!!
6. Favourite Christmas scent?
If I say the wintery smell of like cinnamon and winter spices etc does that make sense? Will people think I've lost my mind?
7. Do you have Christmas Eve traditions?
We used to go to the cinema and watch a festive film every Christmas Eve, but for the last few years either myself or my sister have been working. We usually have picky food and watch a festive film in front of the fire when everyone's back home.
8. What tops your Christmas tree?
A star! Although it broke last year... so it looks like we'll be investing in a new one!
9. Where do you spend Christmas?
It varies! Either at home or at a family members, we've only ever spent about 3 Christmases alone as a family of 4 though, and I have to say, I much prefer the bigger the better kind! Being surrounded by family is what counts the most though.
10. What's the best thing about Christmas for you?
The cheer! No matter where you go in the build up for Christmas, people are feeling festive, there's little things going on to prepare and I just feel like there's this unspoken consensus of like 'yes it's Christmas'. I LOVE it.
Love, Alice x