Alice's Antics has been a bit of a rollercoaster. It started off as a blog for my 'gap yaarh' documentary, so my friends and family knew I was alive and still eating gelato when I upped and moved to Italy. And then more people than just my friends started reading Alice's Antics, and now there's 4 figures and I have never felt more content or welcome in the blogging community than I do right now. But I also have never felt more pressure.
This year is the first year I've absolutely, 100%, failed blogmas. I'm going to try and post more and more over the next month whilst I'm on my university Christmas holiday, but after three days of stressing out over my lack of content, my friends had to intervene and tell me to chill the f***k out.
The thing is, Alice's Antics is my baby, I'm the first person I know personally to have started writing a blog, I have put money and time and joy and tears into creating it into a mini space of the internet that I'm proud of. But right now, it's not my full time job, and I'm competing in an industry of bloggers whose job is to write on their site. But Alice's Antics is not, and can't be, my only investment at the moment. Alongside maintaining my blog (and vlogging every single day at the moment) I'm a student in my final year of University, I'm the Head of Marketing for a radio station, I'm running a charitable project on the side and have 2 part time jobs to help me out with my student loan. For the last couple of months I've been beating myself up over not putting enough content out on here. I've had emails from PR companies and even a few readers have been in touch via Twitter to make sure all is dandy, which makes me feel extremely lucky, if not very guilty. But I wanted to write this post to explain I'm not just lying around, wallowing the days away (although- right now, I kind of am).
It took my friends to sit me down and explain I am not superwoman, and sometimes there really isn't enough hours in the day, my content on here doesn't define the lifestyle I lead. There is a little moral to take away from this though, in that sometimes it's important to switch off and concentrate on real life. Focus on what's going on around you and everything you're lucky for in person. It's important to give yourself a day off, especially at this time of year, because life piles up sand you can end up stressing out so much, you don't realise you've missed the bits you were most looking forward to.
Whether it's in a week, or a month, I will always come back to Alice's Antics. And as I said, I now have 4 weeks of eating, drinking and being an all around Christmas elf to have some time to write blog posts I'm proud of and which you'll enjoy reading.
Ciao for Now!