Life Update: Bonjour, Mes Amis

When I started Alice's Antics back in 2k13, I was writing largely for my friends and family back home in England whilst I embarked on my gap yah. 3 years of writing later and if you have been a keen follower of this little internet space for a while, you may recognise the title. My 'Life Update' series was how I checked in with everyone to reassure them I hadn't burned down my apartment or been fired for too much vino. And so I thought I'd restart them. Not too often, as you may have been able to tell my regemented 3x a week posting has gone to pot over the last two weeks, but just every now and then a little blog post to catch you all up on what I've been doing.

It all, really, boils down to one thing, France.

On June 6th, I packed up my life and headed off to the South of France for 3 months. And after the coldest overnight ferry of my life (why do they put the aircon on???? anyone????) 3 trains and a short car ride, I'd made it to my destination.

I'm spending the summer working as a holiday courier for a family holiday company, think Eurocamp or Canvas holidays but only for France. I'm not going to reveal the company because I'd rather my blog wasn't found by big bosses, but I'll report back at the end of the season all of my feelings. It's a bit like a more wholesome version of going out to do a season in Zante. Except we probably work more- and in the day.

If you read my last blog post, you've probably clocked on I've just turned 21. I am officially an adult in every country in the world ever.


What was even more terrifying, was the prospect of spending it potentially alone, with no friends, in a foriegn country.

How wrong I was. I was extremely lucky to be thrown into a group of people I got on extremely well with, largely due to our ability to bond over alcoholic evenings. Which is precisely how we spent my 21st, someone (me) may have forgotten to buy coal for the group barbecue, so instead it was all cooked in ovens. The group made it their mission for me to be suitably inebriated, but I was very well looked after and some may say too much Jungle Juice was consumed...

Since then my life has been spent essentially eating icecream, lazing by the pool on days off (or after work) and meandering around the towns. The company has several sites across France and I've been lucky enough to explore a few of them before finally being settled in the Vendee. 

Today I spent my day off exploring the town I'll be living in for the season, catching ferry taxis, eating FroYo and people watching from the beach bar- I promise, I don't just drink my lifeaway.  I

I hope this isn't too chatty, I know diary entries are a bit of an acquired taste but I promise not to make them too regular! 

Ciao for Now! 

1 comment

  1. Good luck with everything! So glad you found similar people! It's always nice to have new friends :) Have a great summer !
    x Kenzie
