Ah, guilty pleasures. The little secrets about yourself you blush at admitting because God forbid anyone knows you like the orange cremes in the Quality Street tin. I love finding out people's guilty pleasures, from my super cool friend at school who was beyond obsessed with Justin Bieber (like a full on Belieber), to my housemates obsession with people tickling her feet- maybe a little bit rank, but I love her all the same. I thought, this Sunday I would confess my own guilty pleasures, some bits people might not know about me.
My weapon of choice. Please note the amount of mojito photo's I have in general life on my blog. On holiday, on nights out, just generally in a bar. Obviously they're an expensive habit so I never say no to a glass of wine, but mojito's are my absolute favourite drink, maybe ever. Refreshing and minty and rum-y. They are my guilty pleasure cocktail, maybe less guilt and more pleasure to be completely honest.
Take Me Out
I'm burying my head in shame. I hate the cheesy chat up lines, I hate Paddy McGuinness and oh me oh my, the women on the show are such an embarrassment to womankind. But I can't help sitting and watching it nearly every Saturday night. I may have even watched its ITV2 counterpart 'The Gossip' last night. An embarrassing confession but one I have to come to terms with, who knows, I could be one of the next 'flirty 30' (I won't be. I promise).
Sodukos on the train
The second I get on a train, my beady eye is out looking for leftover newspapers. There's little to nothing left to this guilty pleasure, but I bloody love sodukos. Nerdy, secret, guilty pleasure. I should probably also read said papers if I'm bothering to steal them -steal being a very loose term by the way, I'm absolutely not a bandit.
The song, Come on Eileen
My go to party song. If this comes on, I am up. And usually it only comes on because I've requested it. I don't know any of Dexty's Midnight Runners other songs, but I don't really care. Because Come On Eileen is enough.
Ah, the bain of my pocket, shoes. Not even a particular style of shoe, I don't have a thousand pairs of heels or trainers from every brand ever, but I have a lot of all the styles of shoes ever. I have some shoes in multiple colours, it's dreadful. And a lot of shoes still in boxes or never-been-warn. Last summer I donated 13 pairs to charity, but the time has come to clear out again. They're just sooooo pretty.
Red Lipstick
If you read my last blog post, it's all about things I've learnt, and one of these was what makes your confidence soar. For me, red lipstick is my gal. Nothing makes me feel like a sassy, independent woman like wearing red lipstick. I also happen to have about 8 shades of the stuff. I promise I'm not as materialistic as this blog makes me out to be. I'd still save my dog and photo's and stuff if my house was on fire, promise.
Peanut butter and Marmite on Toast
Did anyone gag? Sorry. I know, it's a) not a healthy habit and b) sounds absolutely dreadful. But after experiencing peanut butter and jam, I'm pretty adamant it just makes everything taste better. My aunty introduced me to this little concoction when I was about 10, and I've never looked back. Having said all of this, it's a very rare treat and something I don't actually eat very often at all anymore. But there's no denying it's a guilty pleasure and I love it. Goodbye any future boyfriends reading this (unlikely, it's the only male readers I'm aware of are family).
Did anyone gag? Sorry. I know, it's a) not a healthy habit and b) sounds absolutely dreadful. But after experiencing peanut butter and jam, I'm pretty adamant it just makes everything taste better. My aunty introduced me to this little concoction when I was about 10, and I've never looked back. Having said all of this, it's a very rare treat and something I don't actually eat very often at all anymore. But there's no denying it's a guilty pleasure and I love it. Goodbye any future boyfriends reading this (unlikely, it's the only male readers I'm aware of are family).
Magic Piano App
THIS APP. Oh my good God. It was created by the devil of procrastination. One of my best friends introduced me to it, and since then, I've been addicted. At night time, in the day, there's no time like the present to play magic piano. It's essentially a pretty version of Tap Tap (remember Tap Tap??) and it makes me feel like a piano prodigy. Don't download it if you want to do something productive with your life, do download it if you want a reason to procrastinate.
One Direction
This was once a top secret. Now, thanks to Twitter, it's absolutely not. I have quite unique music taste, I listen to a lot of unsigned bands and love a acoustic and indie rock/pop music. I've actually been accused of lying on many occasions when confessing my love for 1D, but I can't help it. I love them. They're great and I cried at their last performance on X Factor because oh my god hello, it was so poignant. And I also really fancy one of them, guess which (#TeamNiall).
What are you guilty pleasures? Does anyone else have a secret shoe addiction? I hope you enjoyed this post, believe it or not none of it is sponsored- even the Magic Piano section, I just love the game.
Ciao for Now!
Loved this post! :-)
Yessss! 1D till I die!! xx