If you've been with me since almost the beginning of time, you might recall I used to write monthly 'life update' posts. These were essentially natters in a blog post based on my current life traumas, what I'm up to, the highs and lows of the month and just basically, any gossip I can feed you about myself and my current life situation.
The thing is, I started writing 'Life Updates' in 2013, when the internet was a much smaller place and the blogging world was far less saturated. I feel like in the last five years (omfg FIVE YEARS), the blogging world has shifted to predominantly makeup and beauty and dyou know what? That's all well and good, but what I'm best at, is writing a long old rambling lifestyle post.
The fear of people not reading what I had to say about ordinary old stuff like my first experience of real life cockroaches in the house put me off writing these types of blogs, but after a long old think, I've decided who bloody cares. Alice's Antics has always been a space on the internet for me to fill people in on my life, whatever form that may be. So whether it is a lifestyle update, or a travel post filled with fabulous artsy pictures (unlikely), or an outfit post, what matters, is that there is a post, and that I've loved writing every word.
That's what matters right?
It's almost been a month since my leaving party, where all of my favourite humans in the world gathered around me and got outrageously drunk on Happy Hour. I honestly didn't realise I had so many people I loved so much until they were all in one room, and seeing people from school, university and my job in France all in one place made my heart hurt a little (a lot). Knowing it's been a month, might be why this weekend for the first time I've missed my friends and family back in England. It's weird, because I don't think it's quite homesickness (yet), because I basically never want to move back to the UK and just want to spend my life moving from glorious beach to glorious beach. BUT, it does go to show that home is the people you love, because I miss all of their stories and late night wine sessions and sunday brunches. Sigh.
A week into being in Australia, I was with my new au pair pals, on a boat on the river overlooking the Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House (I actually have no idea what the river is called which runs under harbour bridge - is it a river? is it the sea?)???? It was a very surreal moment, surrounded by a lot of backpackers, an extortionate bar and fireworks over the harbour. Being crammed unceremoniously against people, you end up talking to those you're breathing in the same air as in. Which is why myself and my friend Gemma, found ourselves chatting to a group of guys as the fireworks lit up the sky. Very romantic, I know. Four hours later in a sweaty club however, when I may or may not (I did) have kissed one of the boys. He goes to add me on Facebook. And guess where he's from??? DORSET. My TINY, home county in the south of the UK. I travelled 10,000 miles and still end up snogging a boy from Dorset. Next time I will be insisting upon a full background check before getting within 5 feet of any man.
The biggest, most exciting moment of 2018 (except, ya know, jumping on a plane to Australia), came when after two years of lusting over it, I decided to splurge out and buy a Canon G7X Mark ii. For those of you who don't know, they're the holy grail of vlogging cameras, but are also used by a lot of influencers as photography cameras too, being compact but far better than an iphone. Which obviously means, Alice's Antics youtube channel is going to have far more content up on it in the near future. We're talking sitting down videos, travel vlogs, whatever I can come up with, I will gladly create for you my friends.
Despite the bout of homesickness (and actually, real sickness, I had a 24 hour virus which knocked the LIFE out of me), I am feeling so positive and excited for this year. I'm so ready to put out the content I want to put out and not what I think I should be, and I LOVE this style of writing, okay!? It may be a bit ramble-y and all over the place, but the first blog I ever loved was written by a uni girl friend Essex who talked about her love of Carbs and that one time she ordered a full Domino's just so she didn't have to go out to buy a tub of Ben and Jerry's. That's my kinda gal. That's the kinda blog posts I like.
We're finally through January so I hope the second month of the year brings you far more joy and far less of the 'bleurgh' feeling! Yes yes, it's Valentine's day this week but MORE IMPORTANTLY, it's Pancake day!
Let me know how you feel about these blog posts, I finally have a flare for writing again, thank goodness and welcome back writer Alice.
Love, Alice x