My Autumn Goals 2017

As I'm sure most of you are aware, autumn *officially* begun on Friday here in the UK. The weather has dropped, the curtains were drawn in my house by 7pm last night, and there's even whispers around the house of when it's deemed okay to light the log fire.

I'm currently in a bit of a limbo. Trying to make plans for myself, finding my footing having moved back home in my 20's, and attempting not to cry with FOMO at all of the photos of my friends in London having a blast. And with the start of a new season, I thought setting out some goals might help to get back into the flow of British life. I'm here for a little while now, so it's almost definitely time to have some aims for the autumn/winter months to help pass the time and keep me focused.

You gotta keep your head in the game Troy..

1) Get Back into an Exercise Routine
LOL. Remember past me who trained for half marathons and gymmed 3 - 4 times a week. Well, that past me is going to be making a reappearance. Despite almost keeling over when doing circuits today (who invented burpees?? why?????), I'm desperate to get back into a place where I'm happy with my fitness level. I love running, being in Dorset means the running routes are far more picturesque, and I actually feel much safer running down here than I did on evening runs up near London. So I'm going to make the most of the lack of air pollution, find some running paths I love and build up my strength so I don't get jelly legs (yay)!

2) Get a Job
This should really be my top priority, let's face it. Finding a job is top of my list, and I'm looking all over the local area for jobs in Public Relations. But let me tell you, those job applications are bloody hard work. Not because of the questions themselves, but because there are 300 pages to fill out of questions you've already answered in your C.V.. It's so infuriating. And don't get me started on passwords for each account which need capitals, no spaces, numbers, 'special characters', lower case letters... I've lost the will to live a little bit.

3) Cut back on caffeine
THIS is my weakness, and also why I am so poor half of the time. Coffee, coffee, coffee. I am that person who can't function without a cup of coffee in the morning. The only thing I can say about my slight addiction, is that it's the only form of *obvious* caffeine I drink, as I almost never drink fizzy drinks and I don't like energy drinks. But, coffee is my weakness, and I'd love to cut down to only having it a couple of days a week.

4) Keep on Top of Skin Care
I've stripped my skin care 'routine' right back to basics. I never take my makeup off with wipes, I use a cleanser or cream makeup remover, I exfoliate twice a week and I put a light moisturiser on day and night. And would you know, it's actually worked wonders for my skin. I've never had awful skin, but do have the odd break out, but my skin recently has been really good. I just need to find a stronger moisturiser at the moment to work with combination skin (any suggestions, please @ me)!

5) Visit One New Place This Autumn
A fun goal at last! Since I have a bit of time, I'd actually like to visit somewhere new. Nowhere crazy or super expensive, but a new town or city I've never been before. I have a friend who's just moved to Norfolk, another who's moved to Liverpool, and Edinburgh has always been on the cards - so just a couple of nights in a new city is all I'm looking for!

What are your Autumn goals?! I love this time of year, and after so long of living in shorts and flipflops in France, I'm definitely ready to start thinking of Christmas!

Love, Alice x


  1. I love this list! I'm looking for a job too, so I 100% get you. These applications are the worst! Happy fall xx

    1. Thanks girl! Good luck and happy fall to you too! x
