10 Things We Can Learn Watching Love, Actually

Love Actually.

Is it the best Christmas film around???? Some would definitely argue yes. And although my heart leans towards Nativity, for me, the Christmas period doesn't really exist if you haven't watched Colin Firth speak terrible Portuguese.

But it's not all turtlenecks and low-key porn stars. Love Actually is also one of the most relatable films ever. Maybe we won't ever have a surprise brass band at our wedding, or run through security at an airport, but there are some things Love Actually just gets.

1. The airport is the ultimate people watching spot.

2. You are never too young or too old for love.

3. Colin Frissell's exist in real life. And we all know one.

4. Harbouring a love for 2 years, 7 months, 3 days and an hour is, like, totally normal. Ahem. 

5. There is a turtleneck for every occasion. 

6. Having Hugh Grant as a Prime Minister was laughable in 2003. Now here we are, 2016, and it's not looking all that laughable now.

7. Some people need us more than others.

8. All you need for your romantic gesture to go down in history, is some A1 Card and a black Sharpie.

9.  The nativity scene is the single most relatable throwback to growing up British in any film. (In my Nativity, I was a duck...)

10. Most of the time, love isn't grand gestures and walks in the rain. But it can be found anywhere.


Ciao for Now!


  1. Loved this list! I've actually never seen this movie but now I obviously have to!
    Merry Christmas Alice!
    x Kenzie // Kenzieblogslife.blogspot.com

    1. I can't believe you've never seen it!!!!! It is British to be fair so that may be why- it's a cult classic over here!! Merry Christmas!! xxx
