2015, The Year of Content

I have a strong suspicion this will be the final post of 2015 on Alice's Antics, and so I wanted to go back to the basics, the classic Alice's Antics in which I just type away at my laptop in a coffee shop and you all read away.

It's obviously traditional at the end of the year for everyone to ask where the year has gone? I feel like I blinked on New Year's day and woke up on December 29th with 12 months and my teenage years behind me. The last 5 years have felt like an emotional teenage rollercoaster, with GCSE's and ALevels, friendship groups chopping and changing and travelling all over the place, and 2015 has been the first year in a long time I'm fully content in everything. I've got incredible university friends, and incredible friends from home who have all supported me through the year, especially when Lenny died. I went on holiday to Kos, my family welcomed a new puppy into our lives, fell so far into my overdraft I thought I'd never climb out of it and signed for my first house with five of my favourite people in the world. The overall 2015 life vibe has been consistent and generally, I'm really happy to finally be in that place, but upon a little bit of reflection, my main goal of 2016 is to try more new things, go to more new places and step out of my comfort zone once in awhile. I'll put up a real New Year blog post in early January so I'll have cold hard evidence at the end of 2016 of whether I've achieved any of the year's goals. 

Speaking of blogs and blogging, 2015 for Alice's Antics has, honestly, been a bit hit and miss. I've found running a blog and being a student is a whole lot harder than I first thought, especially around exam and deadline time. The success of 2014 is forever in the back of my mind, and in 2016 I want to replicate that, if not maximise it after a bit of a weird year this year in terms of postings and consistency. An ideal world would lead me to a better quality camera, a better blog layout (which I am currently in the works with!) and more consistent posting, which I'm going to establish and share with you asap. I'm going to re-launch my 'Controversial Topic' series, and will be posting twice a week, 7pm on Wednesdays and Fridays, starting January 2nd. 

2015 has been an utter blast, but I'm extremely looking forward to the year ahead. However you spend New Years Eve have an incredible time and I hope you've all had amazing years! Thank you so much for staying with me through this whole mad blogging life journey, I appreciate every comment, view and follower and next year I fully intend to give you the consistency and content you all deserve!

Ciao for Now!


  1. I feel like I always comment and tell you how much I love reading your blog which is true and I cannot wait to see what 2016 is going to be like for you! I hope you have a great New Year! xx

    1. Thank you so much for your support throughout Kenzie, I love love love reading your comments, have a wonderful new year! x

  2. I seriously know how you feel with the whole running and blog and being a student thing. It's not even just the workload, it's the whole student life trying to be social, not having any money, having to cook etc. etc. as well! Amazing work with the Blogmas though, can't believe you managed so many days! I think I blogged like three times in the whole of December, hahaha. I'd love to get back into it all though, and I'm considering buying a better quality camera as well... at the moment I just feel like my photos are never good enough to post!

    Imogen // imogenscribbles.co.uk

    1. I completely know what you mean, being a student itself is a full time job let alone having a blog and a part time job on top of that! Hahaha! I'm always after a new camera but finding the money is just so difficult, I really want to get a good one asap though! Happy New Year! x

  3. I love your blog whether you post consistently or not! I especially like your controversial series!
    Small and Happy lifestyle blog

    Sophia xxxx
